Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing material commencement of works to extension & for planning consent 1993/17/HHO has no time limitation
Site Address:
Meadow Brook Cottage
Stoke Gabriel
The above application has been submitted to the Council for determination. Evidence is required to either support or refute the claim that the above land/building has been used for the purpose as detailed in the information submitted.
This application is to be dealt with on the basis of factual evidence only. The planning merits of the building do not fall to be considered. If, on the balance of probability, the careful appraisal of the factual evidence supports the claim, the Council will be obliged to issue a certificate recognising the erection of the building as lawful.
I am presently researching the Council’s records to seek to establish whether there exists available evidence which might support, or indeed refute the claim. In the same way I am writing to the Parish Council and local people who may have a knowledge of the site. You are able to view the application details on the Councils Website using the links below.
If you are able to provide any factual evidence from your personal knowledge of the site, which might support or refute the claim, we would be pleased if you could do so within 28 days from the date of this letter and submit them online using “comment on this application” link against the application reference: 3350/22/CLE on our website:
Listed Building Consent for amendment to 2924/21/LBC (bat mitigation measures)
Site Address:
Cross Creek House
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 10 November 2022.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Demolition of existing garage & construction of new garage
Site Address:
Vicarage Grove
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 29 September 2022.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Caravan Club Notification of prosed exempted camp site ref THS851/2023of proposed temporary holiday campsite comprising maximum number of 40units per night including all tents and caravans from 01/09/2023 to 24/09/2023 (23 nights only)
Broadleigh Farm Coombe House Lane Aish Stoke Gabriel TQ9 6PU
Caravan Club Notification of prosed exempted camp site ref THS851/2023of proposed temporary holiday campsite comprising maximum number of 40units per night including all tents and caravans from 01/09/2023 to 24/09/2023 (23 nights only)
Application within consultation/publicity period
Broadleigh Farm Coombe House Lane Aish Stoke Gabriel TQ9 6PU
Change of use from dwelling into two dwellings (Resubmission of 1588/21/FUL Appeal ref: APP/K1128/W/21/3288159)
Site Address:
Crosse House
Mill Hill
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 11 August 2022.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling
Site Address:
Long Rydon
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 4 August 2022.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application to turn existing attached 2-storey barn into guest bedroom with en-suite above existing garage. Turn remainder of existing barn into two-bedroom and one-bedroom dwellings with access from existing courtyard.
Site Address:
Swallow Barns
Higher Well Farm
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 26 May 2022.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Use of track and visibility improvements to serve winery and cafe
Site Address:
Lower Well Farm
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 19 May 2022.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for extension of already situated raised decking
Site Address:
Vicarage Grove
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 19 May 2022.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for proposed two storey side extension with new balcony to the rear (Resubmission of 0011/22/HHO)
Site Address:
Mill Hill Court
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 12 May 2022.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
T1: Oak – Fell due to poor multi stemmed basal union, excessive overshadowing of new development and impingement of drain structure; T2: Beech – Fell due to poor form, excessive overshadowing of new development and impingement of drain structure
Site Address:
Lotus Cottages
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
A copy of the Application Form will be available for viewing on our website after 48 hours to the date stated on this letter.
The choice open to the District Council is to allow the work or to serve a Tree Preservation Order within a six week period. If you have not received a copy of a Tree Preservation Order covering this site by 16 March 2022 then the applicant is free to carry out the works in accordance with their notice as long as they do so within 2 years from the date the notice was received.
If your town has a Tree Warden then they will have also received a copy of the Notice and will be asked to make a detailed response. You may wish to liaise with your Tree Warden to submit a joint response.
If you are submitting comments from an e-mail address which is publically available (ie clerk@parishcouncil.co.uk) Please email your response to:
Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make within 21 days.
Yours faithfully
South Hams District Council[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”4330/21/HHO”]Our ref: 4330/21/HHO
Date: 3 February 2022
Householder application for single storey rear extension widening of front driveway and replace porch with internal shower room
Site Address:
Kings Rydon Close
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 10 March 2022.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
(If clicking this link fails please copy and paste the link into your search bar.)
Please submit your comments online using the link below quoting reference: 4330/21/HHO
[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”0175/22/ARC”]Date: 19 January 2022
Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 (detailsof ducts, flues, rainwater goods, vents & external attachments), 4 (rooflights details) and 6 (details of sound deadened partition) of planning consent 4280/20/LBC
Site Address:
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 24 February 2022.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for proposed two storey side extension with with new balcony to rear.
Site Address:
Mill Hill Court
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 17 February 2022.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
G1: Lawson Cypress – Fell to ground level. Dead tree to be replaced with Grisilinia.
Site Address:
The Boathouse
Mill Hill
Stoke Gabriel
A copy of the Application Form will be available for viewing on our website after 48 hours to the date stated on this letter.
The choice open to the District Council is to allow the work or to serve a Tree Preservation Order within a six week period. If you have not received a copy of a Tree Preservation Order covering this site by 31 December 2021 then the applicant is free to carry out the works in accordance with their notice as long as they do so within 2 years from the date the notice was received.
If your town has a Tree Warden then they will have also received a copy of the Notice and will be asked to make a detailed response. You may wish to liaise with your Tree Warden to submit a joint response.
If you are submitting comments from an e-mail address which is publically available (ie clerk@parishcouncil.co.uk) Please email your response to:
Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make within 21 days.
Yours faithfully
South Hams District Council[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”4212/1/HHO”]Date: 16 November 2021
Householder application for removal and replacement of existing rear and side extensions and main roof and alterations to front drive and access (Resubmission of 0141/21/HHO)
Site Address:
32Beggars Roost
Vicarage Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 23 December 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
READVERTISEMENT (Description Corrected) Variation of condition of conditions 2 (approved plans) to planning consent 0145/18/HHO for alterations to fenestration and external material details (Retrospective)
Site Address:
Pound Field
Stoke Gabriel
We have re-advertised the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 9 Dec 2021.
The amendment to the application/ revised plans can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for two storey rear extension
Site Address:
Orchard Close
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 16 December 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Application for variation of conditions 3 (facing and roofing materials), 4 (flat roof not to be used as terrace) and 5 (obscure glass in West side window) of planning consent 0145/18/HHO
Site Address:
Pound Field
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 9 December 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
READVERTISMENT (Amended development description) Householder application to add flat roof to parking bay to create car port (retrospective)
Site Address:
Stoke Gabriel
We have re-advertised the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 2 Dec 2021.
The amendment to the application/ revised plans can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Extension of the holiday park to accommodate 10 additional pitches, the variation of 50 pitches to seasonal pitches, and associated landscaping.
Site Address:
Higher Well Farm Caravan Park
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 25 November 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application to add flat roof to parking bay to create car port
Site Address:
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 18 November 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for proposed garden shed, porch and new lounge window
Site Address:
Andrews Park
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 21 October 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 21 October 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Extension and alterations to provide lift for disabled access.
Site Address:
Driftwood Lodge
Mill Hill
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 14 October 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Listed building consent for renewal of existing roof coverings
Site Address:
Cross Creek House
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 23 September 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Retrospective application for retention of agricultural/forestry storage building (Resubmission of 3863/20/FUL)
Site Address:
The Round House
South Downs
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 23 September 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Listed building consent for alterations to East Garage comprising reinstatement of former external opening, installation of new rooflights, replacement of existing roof coverings, enlargement of existing modern mezzanine deck, relocation of WC and boilers, new internal partitions (resubmission of 0923/21/LBC)
Site Address:
Cross Creek House
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 9 September 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Alterations to East Garage comprising reinstatement of former external opening, installation of new rooflights, replacement of existing roof coverings, enlargement of existing modern mezzanine deck, relocation of WC and boilers, new internal partitions (resubmission of 0922/21/FUL)
Site Address:
Cross Creek House
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 9 September 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for removal of Nissan Hut outbuilding and replacement with timber frame garden room
Site Address:
1 Hayes Cottages
Vicarage Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 9 September 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
A copy of the Application Form will be available for viewing on our website after 48 hours to the date stated on this letter.
The choice open to the District Council is to allow the work or to serve a Tree Preservation Order within a six week period. If you have not received a copy of a Tree Preservation Order covering this site by 13 September 2021 then the applicant is free to carry out the works in accordance with their notice as long as they do so within 2 years from the date the notice was received.
If your town has a Tree Warden then they will have also received a copy of the Notice and will be asked to make a detailed response. You may wish to liaise with your Tree Warden to submit a joint response.
If you are submitting comments from an e-mail address which is publically available (ie clerk@parishcouncil.co.uk) Please email your response to:
Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make within 21 days.
Yours faithfully
South Hams District Council[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”2821/21/LBC”]Our ref: 2821/21/LBC
Date: 4 August 2021
Listed Building consent for improvement works to existing garage and associated landscaping works
Site Address:
Aish House
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 9 September 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for improvement works to existing garage and associated landscaping works
Site Address:
Aish House
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 9 September 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for removal of entrance and garage doors, replacement windows, rear glazing, rooflight, rear deck terrace and conversion of store building to ancillary bedroom
Site Address:
Kings Rydon Close
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 2 September 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for conversion of roofspace including construction of dormers (Resubmission of 0552/21/HHO and 1540/21/HHO)
Site Address:
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 2 September 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Application for approval of details reserved by condition 3 (slate sample) of planning consent 4024/19/LBC
Site Address:
South Bank
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 12 August 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Lawful Development Certificate for Existing residential use as a single dwellinghouse
Site Address:
Halcyon Barn
Lembury Road
Stoke Gabriel
The above application has been submitted to the Council for determination. Evidence is required to either support or refute the claim that the land/building has been used for the purpose described in excess of the last four years. This application is to be dealt with on the basis of factual evidence only. The planning merits of the use of the land/building do not fall to be considered. If, on the balance of probability, the careful appraisal of the factual evidence supports the claim, the Council will be obliged to issue a certificate recognising the lawful use of the land/building.
We are presently researching the Council’s records to seek to establish whether there exists available evidence which might support, or indeed refute the claim. In the same way we are writing to the Parish Council and local people who may have a knowledge of the site. You are able to view the application details on the Councils Website using the links below.
If you are able to provide any factual evidence from your personal knowledge of the site, which might support or refute the claim, we would be pleased if you could do so within 28 days from the date of this letter and submit them online using “comment on this application”link against the application reference: 2747/21/CLE on our website:
Householder application for installation of solar panels on rear outbuilding
Site Address:
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 19 August 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Listed Building consent for installation of solar panels on rear outbuilding
Site Address:
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 19 August 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for replacement and alterations to exising windows, enlargement of balcony and opening and replacement of balustrading (resubmission of 1565/21/HHO)
Site Address:
The Boathouse
Mill Hill
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 19 August 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Nine new homes and associated access (Resubmission of 0779/20/FUL)
Site Address:
Land At Sx 852 578
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 29 July 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
READVERTISEMENT (Revised plans received) Application for change of usefrom private dwelling into two private homes
Site Address:
Crosse House
Mill Hill
Stoke Gabriel
We have re-advertised the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 22 Jul 2021.
The amendment to the application/ revised plans can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
A copy of the Application Form will be available for viewing on our website after 48 hours to the date stated on this letter.
The choice open to the District Council is to allow the work or to serve a Tree Preservation Order within a six week period. If you have not received a copy of a Tree Preservation Order covering this site by 1 July 2021 then the applicant is free to carry out the works in accordance with their notice as long as they do so within 2 years from the date the notice was received.
If your town has a Tree Warden then they will have also received a copy of the Notice and will be asked to make a detailed response. You may wish to liaise with your Tree Warden to submit a joint response.
If you are submitting comments from an e-mail address which is publically available (ie clerk@parishcouncil.co.uk) Please email your response to:
Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make within 21 days.
Yours faithfully
South Hams District Council[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”4044/20/HHO”]Our ref: 4044/20/HHO
Date: 7 June 2021
READVERTISEMENT (Revised plans received) Householder application for demolition of existing defective front wall and reconstruction to match, forming new entrance with off- street parking and electrical charging point for vehicle (resubmission of 1192/20/HHO)
Site Address:
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have re-advertised the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 1 Jul 2021.
The amendment to the application/ revised plans can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for demolition and replacement garage, erection of new porch and canopy, removal of ground floor window joinery and apron below and installation of French doors/fixed glazing
Site Address:
Unit 3, Barn At Yarde Farm
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
Date: 20 May 2021
Householder application for demolition and replacement garage, erection of new porch and canopy, removal of ground floor window joinery and apron below and installation of French doors/fixed glazing
Site Address:
Unit 3, Barn At Yarde Farm
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
Date: 20 May 2021
Householder application for demolition and replacement garage, erection of new porch and canopy, removal of ground floor window joinery and apron below and installation of French doors/fixed glazing
Site Address:
Unit 3, Barn At Yarde Farm
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
Date: 20 May 2021
Householder application for demolition and replacement garage, erection of new porch and canopy, removal of ground floor window joinery and apron below and installation of French doors/fixed glazing
Listed Building consent for demolition of existing garage and erectionof replacement garage,erection of new porch and canopy over 2 doorways, removal of ground floor window joinery and apron below and installation of French doors/fixed glazing
Application for change of use from private dwelling into two private homes
Site Address:
Crosse House
Mill Hill
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 17 June 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for conversion of roof space and constructionof dormers (resubmission of 0552/21/HHO)
Site Address:
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 10 June 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Application for variation of condition 8 (windows and door finishes) of planning consent 52/1595/01/F
Site Address:
1-4 Rowes Farm Barns
Aish Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 13 May 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
(If clicking this link fails please copy and paste the link into your search bar.)
Please submit your comments online using the link below quoting reference:1275/21/VAR[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”1012/21/HHO”]Date: 6 April 2021
Householder application for PVCU conservatory to the rear of property
Site Address:
Andrews Park
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 13 May 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
(If clicking this link fails please copy and paste the link into your search bar.)
Please submit your comments online using the link below quoting reference:1012/21/HHO[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”0923/21/LBC”]Our ref: 0923/21/LBC
Date: 31 March 2021
Listed Building Consent for alterations to the East Garage comprisingreinstatement of former window and doors openings, installation of newrooflights, enlargement of an existing modern mezzanine deck and new internal partitions
Site Address:
Cross Creek House
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 6 May 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Alterations to the East Garage comprising reinstatement of former window and doors openings, installation of new rooflights, enlargementof an existing modern mezzanine deck and new internal partitions
Site Address:
Cross Creek House
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 6 May 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for loft extension, provision of porch, replacement of the existing patio along with associated works
Site Address:
Yonder Meadow
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 29 April 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for conversion of roof space and construction of dormers
Site Address:
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 15 April 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for replacement conservatory
Site Address:
San Veto
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 15 April 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for demolition of two rear chimney stacks and slate over as required
Site Address:
Orchard House
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 15 April 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for extension and alterations and erection of replacement garage
Site Address:
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 25 March 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Application for approval of details reserved by condition 5 for planning application 2979/20/LBC
Site Address:
The Linhay, Sandridge Barton
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 25 March 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Mobile structure to replace existing dwelling, and replacement barn, stable and tack room
Site Address:
Coombe Paddock
Coombe House Lane
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 25 March 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Mobile structure to replace existing dwelling, and replacement barn, stable and tack room
Site Address:
Coombe Paddock
Coombe House Lane
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 25 March 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
READVERTISEMENT (Amended development description) Construction of two storey building for forestry/woodland management use at ground floor and environmental education use at first floor with adjacent South Downs Woods and Byter Mill Copse
Site Address:
The Round House
South Downs
Stoke Gabriel
We have re-advertised the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 11 Mar 2021.
The amendment to the application/ revised plans can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
READVERTISEMENT (Revised plans received and amended description) Proposed hard standing adjacent existing stabling for horse grooming and washing and extension of stable to form store (Retrospective)
Site Address:
Land at SX 847 585
Lembury Meadow
Stoke Gabriel
We have re-advertised the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 4 Mar 2021.
The amendment to the application/ revised plans can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Application for approval of details reserved by condition 5 for planning application 2979/20/LBC
Site Address:
Sandridge Barton
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 11 March 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Application for agricultural building (Retrospective)
Site Address:
Land at SX 851 575
Broad Path
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 4 March 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Application for agricultural building (Retrospective)
Site Address:
Land at SX 851 575
Broad Path
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 4 March 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Application for agricultural building (Retrospective)
Site Address:
Land at SX 851 575
Broad Path
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 4 March 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for removal of existing rear and side extensions and main roof and construction of new rear and side extension with new roof over. Alterations to front drive and access
Site Address:
32Beggars Roost
Vicarage Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 4 March 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
READVERTISEMENT (Revised plans received) Provision of new dwelling with new vehicular access
Site Address:
Land adjacent to Dart View Cattery
Vicarage Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have re-advertised the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 18 Feb 2021.
The amendment to the application/ revised plans can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Listed Building Consent for replacement kitchen/ dining extension andadditional refurbishment works
Site Address:
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 18 February 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Listed Building Consent for replacement kitchen/ dining extension andadditional refurbishment works
Site Address:
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 18 February 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for replacement kitchen/ dining extension and additional refurbishment works
Site Address:
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 18 February 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for replacement kitchen/ dining extension and additional refurbishment works
Site Address:
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 18 February 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Retrospective application for the retention of yard area for boat/caravan storage
Site Address:
Land At Sx 852 582
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 11 February 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
T1: Magnolia – Reduction of canopy by 2m on all sides to leave an 8m canopy spread (down from 12m) to gain clearance from house
Site Address:
Former site of Gabriel Court Hotel
Stoke Hill
Stoke Gabriel
A copy of the Application Form will be available for viewing on our website after 48 hours to the date stated on this letter.
The choice open to the District Council is to allow the work or to serve a Tree Preservation Order within a six week period. If you have not received a copy of a Tree Preservation Order covering this site by 22 January 2021 then the applicant is free to carry out the works in accordance with their notice as long as they do so within 2 years from the date the notice was received.
If your town has a Tree Warden then they will have also received a copy of the Notice and will be asked to make a detailed response. You may wish to liaise with your Tree Warden to submit a joint response.
If you are submitting comments from an e-mail address which is publically available (ie clerk@parishcouncil.co.uk) Please email your response to:
Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make within 21 days.
Yours faithfully
South Hams District Council[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”3915/20/HHO”]
Householder application for demolition of section of wall and creationof parking space in garden
Site Address:
Coombe Shute
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by21 January 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 14 January 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Proposed hard standing adjacent existing stabling for horse grooming and washing (Retrospective)
Site Address:
Land at SX 847 585
Lembury Meadow
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 14 January 2021.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
T1: Horse Chestnut – Fell; T4: Pine – Deadwood removal (exempt), removal of branch at 6m from ground level on North side growing over roof
Site Address:
Rydon House
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
A copy of the Application Form will be available for viewing on our website after 48 hours to the date stated on this letter.
The choice open to the District Council is to allow the work or to serve a Tree Preservation Order within a six week period. If you have not received a copy of a Tree Preservation Order covering this site by 18 December 2020 then the applicant is free to carry out the works in accordance with their notice as long as they do so within 2 years from the date the notice was received.
If your town has a Tree Warden then they will have also received a copy of the Notice and will be asked to make a detailed response. You may wish to liaise with your Tree Warden to submit a joint response.
If you are submitting comments from an e-mail address which is publically available (ie clerk@parishcouncil.co.uk) Please email your response to:
Householder application for proposed conservatory to rear
Site Address:
Andrews Park
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by3 December 2020.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Provision of new dwelling with new vehicular access
Site Address:
Land adjacent to Dart View Cattery
Vicarage Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 3 December 2020.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
READVERTISEMENT (Revised wording to condition 11 and new proposed condition on Code of Practice to protect estuary habitat) Application for removal or variation of conditions 4 (restricted use) and 11 (no vehicular access) of planning consent 52/1473/15/F
Site Address:
Stoke Gabriel Boating Association Clubhouse
Mill Point
Stoke Gabriel
We have re-advertised the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 12 Nov 2020.
The amendment to the application/ revised plans can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
A copy of the Application Form will be available for viewing on our website after 48 hours to the date stated on this letter.
If your town has a Tree Warden then they will have also received a copy of the Notice and will be asked to make a detailed response. You may wish to liaise with your Tree Warden to submit a joint response.
If you are submitting comments from an e-mail address which is publically available (ie clerk@parishcouncil.co.uk) Please email your response to:
Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make within 28 days.
Yours faithfully
South Hams District Council[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”2979/20LBC”]Our ref: 2979/20/LBC
Date: 1 October 2020
Listed Building Consent for repair of dilapidated roof on curtilage listed building
Site Address:
The Linhay
Sandridge Barton
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 5 November 2020.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Erection of timber stables and change of use of land to equestrian
Site Address:
Land At Sx847587
Coombe House Lane
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 5 November 2020.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Application for removal or variation of conditions 2, 3 and 4 of planning consent 1343/20/HHO
Site Address:
Dart House
Paignton Road
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 18 September 2020.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Application for removal of condition 10 of planning permission 52/2340/05/F
Site Address:
2Badgers Retreat
Orchard Close
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 11 September 2020.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3-5 and 7- 11 of listed building consent 0311/19/LBC
Site Address:
Stoke Gabriel House
Duncannon Lane
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 4 September 2020.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Application for removal or variation of conditions 4 (restricted use) and 11 (no vehicular access) of planning consent 52/1473/15/F
Site Address:
Stoke Gabriel Boating Association Clubhouse
Mill Point
Stoke Gabrie
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 28 August 2020.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
(If clicking this link fails please copy and paste the link into your search bar.)
Please submit your comments online using the link below quoting reference:2192/20/VAR
https://www.southhams.gov.uk/consultationresponse[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”0845/20/LBC”]0845/20/LBC
Our ref: 0845/20/LBC
Date: 9 June 2020
Reference: 0845/20/LBC
Proposal: Listed building consent to repair and restore the slates on the front,lower and lean to roof
Site Address: Slees
Flood Street
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 17 July 2020.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link: http://apps.southhams.gov.uk/PlanningSearchMVC/Home/Details/200845
(If clicking this link fails please copy and paste the link into your search bar.)
Please submit your comments online using the link below quoting reference:0845/20/LBC https://www.southhams.gov.uk/consultationresponse
Yours faithfully[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”2096/20/TPO”]Our ref: 2096/20/TPO
Date: 13 July 2020
T793: Beech – Crown reduction by 3m on all sides to reduce risk of failure.
Site Address:
Stoke Gabriel House
Duncannon Lane
Stoke Gabriel
A copy of the Application Form will be available for viewing on our website after 48 hours to the date stated on this letter.
If your town has a Tree Warden then they will have also received a copy of the Notice and will be asked to make a detailed response. You may wish to liaise with your Tree Warden to submit a joint response.
If you are submitting comments from an e-mail address which is publically available (ieclerk@parishcouncil.co.uk) Please email your response to:
Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make within 28 days.[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”2031/20/FUL”]Our ref: 2031/20/FUL
Date: 23 July 2020
Change of levels of agricultural field and creation of hedgerow
Site Address:
Waddeton Barton
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 28 August 2020.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
Householder application for part demolition of rear extension, demolition of side conservatory extension and front bay windows, alterations to existing dwelling including new stone/timber cladding,new windows, doors and associated landscaping
Site Address:
Marians Maples
Vicarage Close
Stoke Gabriel
We have received the above application, which we would like your comments on. Will you please let us have any recommendations you wish to make by 14 August 2020.
The details can be viewed on the relevant council’s website within 24 hours of receiving this communication by clicking this link:
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