
Potential Closure of Brixham Road between Windy Corner & Long Road

Potential closure of Brixham Road between Windy Corner & Long Road

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Due to the start of the Inglewood development in Paignton, we have received a request from the developers to close Brixham Road, between Long Road and Windy Corner for up to four months from 3 January 2023.

Torbay Council is currently in discussions with the developer to find the best solution for our residents and businesses, to agree how these works can be carried out, with the least amount of disruption possible.

To inform these discussions, the Council would like to hear how this proposed closure, or what any disruption from an alternative option like traffic lights, might impact local businesses, their customers and residents moving around the Bay. The Council would also like to hear ideas on what could be considered to reduce this disruption.

Let us know using the Forum area below.

Here is why the developers have put this request in.

Highway improvement works along Brixham Road, which are approved through the planning application, are required to improve the traffic flows and access to the new Inglewood site. The works would include:

  • widening of the junction at Long Road (this would be done using traffic management)
  • the raising of Brixham Road just before White Rock Cottages to improve visibility
  • a new access roundabout to the Inglewood site
  • two new pedestrian crossings across Brixham Road
  • the improvement of the flow of traffic through Windy Corner (this would be done using traffic management)

Other works will also include:

  • drainage connection works through a Section 104 Agreement with South West Water. (A Section 104 (Section 104 of the Water Industry Act (1991) agreement is a legal agreement between a developer and a water company, where the developer agrees to build sewers to an agreed standard, which the water company will then adopt.)

January 2023 to May 2023
Brixham Road, new roundabout, southern crossing and Section 104 drainage works on the highway.

Persimmon Homes have designed the works to minimise the programme, but to undertake the works in a safe manner, a road closure of Brixham Road to traffic is being requested. They are looking at closing Brixham Road on 3 January 2023 to start this work. The planned diversion will be along Goodrington Road and Dartmouth Road. The current proposed diversion map is below:



Residents Only access will be maintained at all times for the properties located within the road closure. This will be controlled under the temporary traffic management system.

The proposed road closure is until 12 May with plans to open the road for two weeks during the Easter holidays from the evening of 30 March to the evening of 16 April 2023. Following that date, the proposal is for the remaining works will be undertaken with traffic management wherever possible. At the end of the programme, a one-week closure will be required for road crossovers and utility connections. As before, residents’ access will be maintained throughout this period.

May 2023 to October 2023
Long Road and Windy Corner works.

The plan would then be for the Long Road and Windy Corner junctions to be improved from mid-May until the summer moratorium and then from September until completion. At all times traffic will be able to flow through these junctions under traffic management.

Let us know your thoughts on these plans

As mentioned earlier, how to implement these works has not been approved, we have provided this information so you have an idea of the scope of the works.

To inform these discussions, we would like to hear how this proposed closure, or what any disruption from an alternative option like traffic lights, might impact local businesses, their customers and residents moving around the Bay. We would also like to hear ideas on what could be considered to reduce this disruption. You have until midnight on Sunday 20 November 2022 to leave your comments.