
Cycle Path Group

Category: Clubs, Societies & Preschool

Stoke Gabriel/Totnes Cycle Path Group

Our group of eight residents is developing a project which would make it possible to cycle or walk in safety from Stoke Gabriel to Totnes.   Totnes is our local administrative centre and closest town at about 3 miles away but currently accessible only by the busy A385 which is a single carriageway main road, busy with cars, buses and HGV’s lorries. Most local people would not be confident to cycle along this very busy road and walking along by the side of it in the present condition would be extremely dangerous and ill advised.

The first section of our proposed route, on leaving Stoke Gabriel, uses Hoyle Lane which is almost traffic free.  It arrives in Aish and the short section through the village of Aish would unavoidably involve mixing with vehicles but an alternative is not available, and traffic speeds are in any case very low.  The last section is the existing Fleet Mill Lane which arrives in Totnes at the top of Bridgetown.  We are looking at several alternatives for the last mile.

We have organised an on-line petition to help us generate more interest:

…..and our website includes a report by BBC South West Spotlight

Anyone wishing to contact us would be most welcome, even if it is just to sign our petition. The more signatures we can obtain, the more seriously we shall be taken when it comes to funding.