Waste and Recycling
The local authority responsible for waste and recycling in Stoke Gabriel is South Hams District Council. Full details can be found on their web site, but here are some details about the services as they applying in the Parish. South Hams District Council provide each household with two wheely bins, except for a few awkward locations in which seagull-proof sacks are used instead, and a small caddy for kitchen waste.
There is a weekly household collection service, in which material for recycling is collected alternately with other household waste. Kerbside rubbish collections take place on a Thursday morning, although the collection is sometimes a day later following a Bank Holiday.
One brown bin with garden rubbish and food waste for composting is collected every fortnight. Paper/carboard, plastic bottles and metal cans are collected on the same day, in plastic sacks provided by the Council. On alternate weeks, the grey bin for other household waste (for landfill) is emptied.
There is no kerbside collection for glass, and no bottle bank in the village, at present, this is due to start Autumn 2020. The nearest bottle banks are at the recycling centres or in supermarket car parks on the edge of Paignton and Totnes, some of which also have recycling bins for clothing and books.
Other household and garden waste can be taken to a recycling centre. The nearest ones are at Babbage Road, Totnes (South Hams District Council). Certain restrictions and charges may apply – please refer to the Councils’ own web sites for further details.
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