Hoyle Copse Tree Works Update:
The work to fell trees effected by Ash Die Back in Hoyle Copse, and which needed felling now, has been completed and the paths are open. The Hoyle Copse Volunteers will be clearing the felled trees over the next few weeks, so please do take care.
As previously announced, Ash Die Back / Chalara (ADB) has been prevalent in Hoyle Copse for several years with the disease progressing at an accelerating pace. A professional arboriculturist surveyed the trees and recommended that all Ash trees with greater than 40% crown loss and within strike distance of a foot path should be felled for safety reasons. The felling has had a major impact on the Copse’s tree-scape along the western path from the lime kiln to the New Wood Trees plantation entrance. In this area Ash trees had become dominant to the point of suppressing the Hazel trees that were traditionally grown here. The Hoyle Copse Volunteers have planted over 200 trees in the Copse, in recent years. More recently, they have planted some seventy Hazel and Oak whips along the western path; the variety specifically requested by Devon Wildlife Trust. The volunteers are planning to plant at least 100 further Hazel and Oak trees next autumn / winter to further accelerate the regeneration of this area.
Stoke Gabriel Parish Council