
Stoke Gabriel Women’s Institute

Category: Clubs, Societies & Preschool

We meet on the second Tuesday of every month, except August, in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. We offer a warm and welcoming environment in which to meet old friends and make new ones, to learn new skills and hear about a wide range of topics, often from visiting speakers.

On arrival you will be welcomed at the door, then invited to take a seat to listen to the visiting speaker, or be introduced to a craft or skill. Crafts offered include mosaic making, parcel wrapping and Christmas flower decorations. Recently talk topics have varied from The Secrets of Berry Head and Keeping your Feet Healthy, to The Secrets Behind the Statues of London and Recyclable or not in South Hams.

Our talk usually lasts around 45 minutes before we take a tea-break. This is our social time. It is in this break that we are able to chat with our friends and make new ones as well as read about all the events which are being organised locally and nationally by the WI. These include county level quizzes, visits to places of interest and local and national classes, the latter at the WI’s own college, Denman, near Oxford.

After the tea-break we usually have the business section of the meeting. In this we discuss issues relating to our WI, maybe the venue for our annual New Year lunch, or the possibility of organising a canoe trip on the Dart – always popular. Equally we could be inviting ladies to help on our cake stall at the village Wassail, held annually in January, or discussing our entry for the Village Carnival procession in August.

Visitors are always welcome to our meetings and are asked to give a donation to attend. Members join annually, the year beginning in January, or on a pro-rata basis later in the year. For this fee we are offered 11 local meetings a year, plus access to regional and national WI events, receipt of WI life and our local, Devon Life. Each year the June meeting is our “Meeting on wheels”, when we go out for a visit to somewhere special, for example Torre Abbey gardens, before having a meal locally.

We hold our General meeting in April at which we hear reports from the Secretary and Treasurer about the year that has just gone and at which the committee for the forthcoming year is elected.

The current committee (2019-2020) is made up of 10 members, with the officers, President – Jackie Tucker, Secretary – Pia Barrett and Treasurer – Gill Rawson.

Contact details:

Jackie     01803 394089

Pia         01803 782477

Gill         01803 782511